Thursday, August 24, 2017

Extra Eros Zlatolaska Tomatoes

Hello everyone, Welcome!
I've done what I was afraid I'd end up doing....leaving you all in silence for months! Well, I'm back with a quick little post about some exciting happenings from my very own garden.
Check out this basket of goodies I harvested the other day!
There are many things I love about of which is most definitely fresh tomatoes. I want to shine a spot light on one particular little known variety today...that entitled -
 "Extra Eros Zlatolaska."
See all those ombre orange, gold colored beauties in the basket? That would be the ones I'm talking about.  They aren't terribly big...about roma sized I'd say. They're not too small, not too big, and for me, well, that's just right! Flavor is excellent! a touch of sweet with a mild tomato flavor. Versatile for many applications, of which my favorite was to halve them, scoop out the middle then fill them with pesto and top with some shiso-kraut and feta cheese! Delicious!
The plants don't get very tall, they are after all determinate. They do however spread themselves out quite a bit in all directions, so should you grow some of these little gems, give them a little space to spread. The other cool thing that I found fascinating is their shape.  Most are pear shaped or oval, but then there's some round ones and some other combinations of the aforementioned shapes. Stuff like that really makes me fall in love with certain plants. 
Hopefully next year you will add some of these lovelies to your garden they're definitely a favorite that I will be growing again! Speaking of which, I need to go prep these tomatoes for the freezer...did I mention they're prolific and abundant? Well, add that to the list of awesome characteristics!
~Till next time, be safe, have fun and eat homegrown tomatoes!